A Previously Unknown Photograph

Alice Hayden, who lives in Llandudno, recently got married at Daresbury
Church and a strange coincidence came to light.  Alice's great-grandfather, Walter Dodsworth, who married a lady called  Alice, was a neighbour of the Dodgson sisters when they lived at The Chestnuts, in Guildford.

We know that Lewis Carroll visited his sisters regularly and lo and behold ,- this Alice Hayden has a photograph of her great-grandfather as a boy in knickerbocker breeches taken by no other than Lewis Carroll. We are assuming that the picture was taken about 1869-70 and Lewis Carroll does mention the family in his diaries.

This photograph is not available at the moment. Ir did contact Edward Wakeling as he has just produced a book of Lewis Carroll's photographs and this is one that he has not got and, obviously, he would like a copy.

I have asked the vicar if we could contact the lady and see if the photograpoh can be made available.  We’ll let you know if he has any success.

Irene Rutter